It’s been three years in a row that Tapptic is attending dot Swift. This year is no exception to the rule.

Here under is a small summary of the talks we attended:

  • Impeller (

    • Impeller, written in Swift, is a distributed value store storing structs. This could be used in a project that needs to store objects and sync them between multiple devices. A warning though, is that it’s still in development, and should not yet be used for production projects.

  • RxSwift (

    • RxSwift is a library designed to help developer easily create asynchronous operations and event/data streams with reactive programming. The result is a code that is way more declarative and therefore easier to read.

  • Kitura (

    • There were two talks about Kitura. The first one was a global presentation of Kitura, how it works, and the difficulties they encountered during its development.
      The second talk was about the performance of swift server-side that were way better than conventional backend (PHP, java,…). The speaker explained that on his micro-services he gained a lot of response time.

  • Silver Bullets

    • Here the talk was about hype of new frameworks and tools. He explained that we shouldn’t use a framework because there is a hype around it, and because everyone speaks about it. The catch phrase of this talk was: When I have a hammer, everything look like a nail. We should use the solution to our problems and not because it seems cool.

  • Generics

    • The lady discussed about Generics in Swift. She emphasized that the community was really involved and contribute a lot to the evolution of Swift’s Generics. Goals and discussions about them can be found in the Generic’s Manifesto:
      This document is really great to see the actual state of Swift’s Generics, and what the community wants to see in the future. This is really great for learning too.

  • Btree (

    • Btree is a very effective way of storing an awful lot of ordered data in a collection with very high performance. During the talk, we were shown multiple graphs to demonstrate the effectiveness of the differents implementations that were made to finally come to the Btree.


There were also a few lightning talks during the day, here are some of them.

Lightning talks:

  • Development with IOT

    • When developing on IOT it’s very important to create simulators to simulate the communication between devices. It is also necessary to have tests, and as much coverage as possible (the guy said 100% was a minimum).

  • Subclass struct

    • In this talk, the man presented a way to have “subclass” structs. You simply have to use an enum in your struct. The example he used was a struct name “Post”, like a post on a forum. He then explained that you could have several kinds of posts, like:  “TextPost”, “ImagePost”, “VideoPost”. His solution to avoid to have to rewrite the whole struct everytime is to use an enum that takes the params needed: “.TextPost(text: String)”, “.ImagePost(text:String, img:NSURL)”,…

  • NSObject evil queen (

    • This talk about inheritance was really funny. The guy showed the actual state of the hierarchies that can be found in UIKit, like NSObject -> UIResponder -> UIView…. He compared NSObject to an evil queen which gives a lot of tool through code reuse, but also takes control over subclasses. The talk was really focused on composition over inheritance, but not really explaining why. He also gives us some tools to stop the inheritance curse, like protocols, compositions, structs, enum and final keyword… The slides were really nice and should be a must see for the ios devs.



Jehan Vossen 

Grégory Gyselinck

Lucas Adam

Roger Hoffman


iOS developers @ Tapptic


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