Through this second article, we will explain our work methodology concerning design thinking in order for you to understand how we start all our projects in the best conditions.


We are using the Agile method, which allows us to respond to the specificities of a project according to a fixed budget envelope. Thus, we are able to maintain certain aspects of the agility of the SCRUM methodology:


  • Writing user-stories based on the customer’s needs.
  • Evaluation of the complexity of each task and definition of sprints from 2 to 3 weeks. Burn down chart velocity indicators are used to monitor the progress of the project as it progresses.
  • Intermediate deliveries at the end of each sprint.
  • Test phase carried out by us and then by the customer at the end of each sprint.


We divide this methodology into 3 parts: Understand, Explore and Materialize.



As a first step, it is important to understand the needs and identify the different profiles of each user. This allows us to be well-organized and to identify the project priorities.


During this phase of observation and understanding of users’ needs, we define the problems by analyzing our observations and synthesizing them. These objectives are then finalized based on user expectations.  




Once the needs of the users have been identified and the trajectory defined, designers are ready to generate ideas, it is the phase of creativity and imagination. The design team will produce a number of versions during the prototyping phase so that they can study the improvements and solutions generated at the previous stage. At the end of this stage, the design team will have a better understanding of how real users behave, think and feel their interactions with the final product.




The project is then rigorously tested using the best solutions identified during the prototyping phase and the results generated during the test phase are used to redefine one or more areas of improvement. Modifications and refinements are then made to eliminate the problem in question and obtain a thorough understanding of the product and its users.


Once this step is completed, the project is ready to be developed, animations are defined in agreement with the developers and the various technologies/libraries are analyzed to meet the design needs and performance requirements. This is followed by a testing phase, which is one of the most important parts, and all the tests carried out will lead us to new thoughts and will enable us to come up with new ideas, new problems and new objectives. Testing guarantees the implementation of the best project possible and eliminates any bad leads before its final implementation.


Design Thinking