A few weeks after Qobuz, “LaCinetek” (a service that offers landmark films in VOD) is now available on Freebox Révolution from a TV app developed by Tapptic.


For the less moviegoers among us, “LaCinetek” is a landmark movies catalogue. More than 45 directors worldwide such as Cédric Klapisch, Jacques Audiard or Michel Hazanavicius regularly select and comment movies that they liked to share it with the world!


Considering the increasing number of possibilities on setup boxes, La Cinetek wanted to make itself available on this distribution channel in order to gain a bigger visibility. The choice was quickly made for Freebox, the first box choice in France.


The objectives of this project were very clear. First of all, being able to present this innovation during the Festival de Cannes 2017 and secondly to broaden their audience by increasing the visibility of the platform. Now available on Freebox Revolution, more than 600 movies are now accessible from 2,99€ per film.


Tapptic’s team are proud of the work accomplished and to be able to keep developing on such interfaces. It is sure that the project will not remain like this, we are here to keep it evolve to satisfy as many users as possible.